About MassMutual
Convertible Term Insurance
- What is MassMutual's convertible term policy and how does it work?
- Is this convertible term product the same quality as what I'd receive going through the traditional process?
- When will this convertible term product be available in my state?
- How do I know when my policy can be converted?
- How do I convert my policy?
How We Can Help
Your Application
- What information do I need in order to apply?
- What if I don't have a Social Security Number?
- What is a beneficiary? And what is the difference between Primary and Alternate?
- In the event that my primary or alternate beneficiary were to die before me, should the amount they would have received be divided among their descendants?
- Can I change or add beneficiaries at a later stage?
- What is a Waiver of Premium?
After You Apply
- What happens after I complete my application?
- What should I do if I completed the application, but I still haven't received the eSign email?
- What should I do if I accidentally entered incorrect information?
- Why do I need to take a medical exam?
- How does the medical exam work?
- How do I schedule my medical exam?
Temporary Coverage
- What is temporary coverage?
- How does your temporary coverage work?
- How long will my temporary coverage last?
- What if something happens to me before my permanent full coverage is in place?
- How much will you charge me during the temporary coverage period?
- Why is my initial charge lower than the recurring charges?
Your Policy
Changing Your Policy
- How do I change my banking information?
- How do I change the address on my policy?
- How do I change a name on my policy?
- How do I change the beneficiaries on my policy?
- How do I change the ownership of my policy?
- Can I lower the coverage amount of my policy? If so, how?